On that afternoon, I am trying to make account on cloudflare to enable pages service. On that day I am also trying to make new account on gitlab. After that some error happen when trying to push. On the next day, because I am fasting, so most of the day I am just sleeping.
Push The frontpage
After finishing my confusion about inline-block
, I am trying to push it on pages cloudflare
. I am push my repo to gitlab, and make account on cloudfare. The cloudflare account making process is smooth, but the process of pushing my repo from local to remote is there is a problem. I rather confuss to choose between https
or ssh
protocol to push it on gitlab.
I choose ssh
protocol, following the guide. The process went smooth on local machine, but when I am trying to run command
ssh -Tvvv git@gitlab.com
It freeze and didn’t show anything. There is many approach, that I am trying, from changing ssh encription, but somehow it still doesn’t working. So, in the next morning after eat for fasting, I am trying to use my sim card
network. You know, it worked like a charm. The script for connecting wifi itself, sometime make me lie. The script is :
# For normal wifi
nmcli dev wifi connect '$@#$@$' password <pass $@#$@$>
# For hidden wifi
nmcli dev wifi connect shoeqa password <pass shoeqa> hidden yes
# Alternative hidden wifi
nmcli c add type wifi con-name <connect name> ifname wlan0 ssid <ssid>
# Delete Connection
nmcli con del <connect name>
Choosing CI/CD
I am rather doubt willing to use gitlab CI/CD or not. So, I find another alternative like circle ci
, buddy
, and many others. The page free for dev and the cloud community page ias also awesome. More awesome is about the list of CI. Until I know abou buddy that support on gitlab repository. I am also found that gitlab runner
can be self hosted. I found many information on that page. Another awesome self hosted ci like cds is also worth a try.
I am really confuse about that, on the first I want to try buddy
, but after that, I read the manual. I more confuse, and confuse. Finally, I am sleep, and suddenly it is almost evening. On the night, I finally decided that I want to use shared runner on gitlab
Making spoiler
You know this will be pretty simple look a like this, but the markdown is must edited using css. Here my snippet about how to implement it. It can applied with shortcode
on zola.
Learning Hugo and Latex
Knowing that hugo is working on termux, I am really curious about how hugo work, what markdown parser they use?, Is the application single binary or not?. Finally I read the documentation hugo, well it is more complicated than zola. On the first, I want to move to hugo, but I am give up, and com back again with zola using gitlab shared runner
. I think that it is enough, I have tried docker
, but I am rather confuse about it.
Learning latex is like learning markdown, but the script itself is more complicated. I believe that I can type fast in Latex, maybe it will be bring benefit for me. I want to learn about how to inpu t image, inserting biblioghraphy that more simple and many more. Well, I will learning again if I find good workflow how to setup my blog.