Reading Lua and Planning for markdown Vim
770 words | 4 minutes

Well, on that day after finishing my read on fontforge, I am just confuse with latex, and suddenly found good blog. I am also finding more smarter way on how to easily write markdown file.

Vim for writing notes

I am just know some cool stuff, when I am searching an easy way to write table in markdown. Here the list resource that I found :

  1. cucumber-vim, this is made by the famous tpope well this is very awesome with just very simple script can align the table.
  2. vim-table-mode, the most awesome plugin that very useful for creating table. It has many feature, but I find it somehow very powerful.
  3. vim-easy-align, this is made by the famous junegunn. I am still doesn’t finding much about this plugin. So, I really don’t know what is the feature.
  4. vimwiki, I just like the table feature in this plugin. The table that documented on youtube video, make me want to implemented this in lua language, but somehow I am really confuse with lua, well I need learning again though.
  5. nvim-tablemd, this is also awesome plugin that written in lua, I am just know that this is really awesome. Somehow the feature that I want is just adding feature create table. My life will be complete with it.

Markdown feature in vim

I don’t know, the more me deep dive, and found such many awesome plugin that maybe doesn’t related with markdown. Here the list trick or plugin that I found :

  1. UltiSnip, Someone already make beautiful blog post how to enhance this plugin. He create demonstration on how to create function like today, function simple box. That is awesome !!, more importantly he also make many snippet that is pretty useful to create latex document.
  2. img-markdown, This plugin written in lua to take screenshot, then you call :PasteImg to paste the clipboard to markdown. Well most of my image will be uploaded to gitlab comment, so maybe I will just mark this as wishlist hahaa.
  3. List-Vim, this plugin is made by the creator of vimwiki. I found it interesting, because the demonstration itself is pretty awesome. You can change from normal list into tasked list. More importantly the function like choose between checked and unchecked, can be done with just one shortcut. After I think again somehow it is useless. It is better to use snippet for function like this. To change the list state like checked and unchecked, just simply use rx or x command though and the problem will be done.
  4. Nvim-Ascii, this is also make me amazed about how powerful neovim was. Somehow to cretae simple ascii diagram, it is pretty easy, and more importantly it doesn’t use mermaid that use javascript. I know though I must add some unicode character in my modification font, but this is very powerful for creating markdown.
  5. vim-mkdx, what I like about this plugin is automatic numbering. This feature is pretty useful when working on list. Maybe I will implemented this, and doing more learning about this.
  6. nvim-indent-line, I just know that neovim also support for drawing indentation line. Nore importantly this is done by just drawing line in lua. This is pretty awesome though. It make the code more readable.

The future plan

Well, what I am planning from now is very simple though. Here is my planning for my markdown change :

  1. List, maybe I don’t really need that. I am give up and yeah I will just use normal vim for it. After seeing automated list and indent, maybe I will try another way to adapt it.
  2. Image, I am still searching good program for screenahot. I don’t know how can gnome-screenshot suddenly become not respoding when I opened it. It is time to change my screenshot program.
  3. Table, for better future, maybe I will just make simple program to create table, by myself. For android using kotlin, and for pc using rust gtk or c gtk. Hmm, hope I can have time to make this instead of rely on tabel generator on website. I just find a simple way, that is like done by mdkx. That is make simple csv then simply convert it to markdown table. Complex table maybe will be doing it html table generator.
  4. Ascii Diagram, well I am planning on make it like web instead of rely on mermaid, so I don’t have plan about this. I am also seldo write diagram, I think that incscape is really powerful for this task.