Lazy day because learning lamp
540 words | 3 minutes

Well, today is not more productive for me. I am just working on 2captcha, and then suddenly my mother ask me to make design of sales receipt on her flower shop. After working on 2captcha I am just trying to make sales receipt. Then, after that I ain’t productive at all, I just sleep all day.

Making sales receipt

On the first, I am just working it using libre office draw. After I satisfied with shape I want to edit the node of letter logo. Somehow to edit the letter logo is not easy as in Inkscape. The node movement isn’t smooth and I am just give up to edit the letter logo on libre office draw. I am installing inkscape to my linux machine. Then I just draw anything like logo and the letter logo. After that I send it in my phone using normal ftp and using command mput. Somehow it went smooth and then I must revise my design to add phone number and address on it.

Watching how to buy good lamp.

In the lamp there is two factor that determine either the lamp is good or not. That is Wattage and Lumen. The wattage is can be measured by kwh meter or Lumen can be measured by application on android. The good tips that I know is buy lamp that have low wattage but having high lumen. Wattage determine the power required to running electricity. Lumen determine the brightness of lamp. It is ideal if wattage/lumen = 100. So, after watching video on YouTube that took almost two hour. I try to measure wattage of my old lamp using multi meter. Somehow I know then that I can only measure the resistance of the lamp, and I can’t measure the wattage. I only know if I want to measure the wattage I must using my mind to make a simple circuit so the multi meter can measure the ampere or current in the circuit. Option two is buying kwh meter but the price isn’t cheap, it almost Rp100.000, so on the final I am give up to measure the wattage.

I am continue my sleep after pray ashar, and I also late at dhuhur pray, well today my praying activity is very bad, hope I can take action to encounter it. I also seeing new video again about the same author that make prove and explain about wattage and lumen. I am seeing about how to make simple generator that just using old fan. Adding the rotor or in indeonesian named “puli” to the center of the fan then it can work as expected. Just to note not all fan can be used as a generator. Only fan that inside is having magnet is can be used to make generator. Knowing that the price of the fan only Rp70000. then I think that it really worth it to try generator someday.

Well yeah just that for today, I ain’t really productive. Hope I can encounter this bad habit someday. I am give up to measure wattage and I want to continue to make my quran project, so that how it is, hope someday I can make quran dictionary for real, and can death in peace.