How to slice chicken wing
515 words | 3 minutes

Well, last week I was reading some r18 novel, so my energy got dry up haha. The name of the novel is confinement king. Well, some people say that this novel is just for degenerate people. After reading on chapter 120, I am finally got bored, cause the plot is just got repeated. And then, yeah I also read some good manga like beelzebub. I really like this old novel. The last novel I read until now is My girlfriend is cheated on senior, so I cheated on his girlfriend.

The knowledge how to slice chicken’s wing

Well, after meet many customer, I really know then that some of the customer, I know that there is basic 4 cutting slice, that is :

  1. 4 slices, this is the most simple slice for chicken meat doesn’t need much think, just slice it for basic four haha.
  2. Cacah, this is the slice that basic on rose, basically it will leave two wing, two leg, two back, and two chest front.
  3. Ross, it same with cacah but the cut on the back is divided by two, and the cut on the chest is divided by three. The wing is also divided by two.
  4. Prasmanan, the most small cut. The back is divided by three, the chest is divided four, the wing is divided by two, the leg is doesn’t divided, so it will leave 20 part.

How to cut wing?, I am still don’t know about that. Yeah, basically if someone who is pro, just can cut the meat part. Beginner usually cut the bone part, so it is rather hard to divide, yeah I hope someday, I can gain new knowledge on how to slice the wing.

Got the order for 15kg chicken meat

Yeah, today is the embarrassing part of my life. I got order around 15kg chicken meat. I am just don’t know what to do. I ask what she want. Yeah, I am rather confuse for that. After negotiation, the customer is want chicken meat with 4 slice. Yeah, I am just turn on the stove and yeah, I wait it until boiling. After that I put in some dead chicken to the big boiling pot. Yeah, After I successed remove the feather of two chicken using machine. The customer suddenly said ‘tak ewangi dik’, having meaning ‘I will help you’. Suddenly the customer just going to chicken processing place. She help me divide the chicken by herself. Yeah, you know I am just divide the meat part, wash it and measure how much is the weight. We got rather blank on that, after trying put 15kg chicken meat on weight measure tool, the machine is got wrong. Yeah, we repeat the measurement, and yeah the customer is already satisfied with 15kg. The customer also add 0.5 kg for the order. Yeah, that is very embarrassing story for me. You know, I am rather ashamed how can I got help from customer. Surely, I will improve my speed, and someday I will can use machine and divide the meat part faster.