Good Advice for Peeling feather as Chicken Seller
215 words | 2 minutes

Well, I am very tired because you know big order lately, well yeah I can kill chicken now. I learning it from Jumat uncle to put thumb finger on the neck of the chicken. Somehow I can kill chicken easily with those trick.

Good advice for Peeling feather

Peeling feather is the most important part as chicken seller. There is some method for successful peeling the feather.

  1. First, make sure the water isn’t too hot or the chicken will be broken. You must measure it, with your hand is the most simple. If it is too hot, then you will make the chicken broken.
  2. Focus when you are boiling the chicken, the most easiest part to be broken when you ignore the advice is wings. If you longer boiling the chicken, then yeah the wing will be broken. Be careful when doing something like that.
  3. Don’t take too long when you leave the boiled chicken on the machine. If you ignore this advice the most easiest part to be broken is thigh. If you are seeing the feather is cleared, then turn off the machine as fast as possible. The worst case is the intestine and the heart is already coming out from the stomach. You must also take care about this.