Working on 2captcha and Create Style
314 words | 2 minutes

Well that day begin as usual. On the beginning of the day, I am just reading the lua script of markdown-tablemd and tablemd that are written in lua. I am just want to convert from csv to table markdown but written in lua because it has better performance. Somehow it is very hard for me to achieve that. Well before I am working on 2captcha, I discover something that pretty useful. The app simple http server is very cool. The http server that build run on android can be accessed through device that have same network.

Working on 2captcha.

The day begin like usual, I am just working on 2captcha and reading light novel konosuba. After that, I am eating but without plate. I am also eat hot banana. Well yeah, the kerupuk usek also good to eat. After that when I am trying to sweep the floor, suddenly I am fall a sleep.


This is the most worst case ever. I am just sleeping and forget that I must doing dhuhur pray. I am just trying to merge the pray after that. This will make experience for me to not doing deep sleeping again.

Styling the blog

First time, I plan to make my blog layout is having sidebar and main content when the screen width is more than 768px, but after that I know that sticky position is doesn’t work if the parent is having property overflow. So I remove float and flex property from my styling. It work as expected, when the screen is more than 768px then the navigation bar will have position sticky and having width 25% of the parent element. My next plan is styling the content of navigation, if it has children, than maybe I will add some button to toggle show or hide the content of its children.