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Hi, Right now, In this year 2022, I am trying to revive from the dead. After my bachelor scription is done, somehow I lose the purpose of my life. So On the last december, I am trying to try Linux, and find new better world. From that, I am trying to revive my old hobbies on blogging again. This site make me still alive, even though my soul itself still considerable as dead.

In Year 2023, I am busy with chicken seller bussiness, I almost don't know time. I seldom take a bath, and after that I am also lazy to eat. I am really confuse for what I am doing, so I am just focused on to satisfy the customer needs. On the last 3 month I got sick and finally can't continue to serve as full as those years. I got 2 times operation in my head and neck for the sick I got.

In this year 2024, I am just trying to figure out what work that need less effort but still give me too much result. You know most of the result for my work is used to pay my mother debt. Even if I really work hard, it is just only for paying the debt of my mother. So, this time somehow I must try to do something that still need less effort but really paying me so much. I hope that the god is listening to what I say right now. Well it is also doesn't siding my motto that is Easy Life in This World and After World.